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Guide: You’re Being Very Undude
Alright, my nice marmot, if you’ve somehow stumbled upon this guide, chances are you’ve hit a fork in the road to chill. Your vibes? They’re off.…
Breaking: Man Meditates Once for 10 Minutes, Claims He’s the Buddha
Spiritual leaders are calling this “an unprecedented spiritual awakening.” Dylan Breeze, 29, has proclaimed himself the reincarnation of Buddha following a rigorous 10-minute meditation session that…
Breaking: Local Gym in Disarray After Lifter Squats in the Curl Rack
Planet Gains, 8:32 AM — A bizarre and unprecedented act of gym anarchy shook Planet Gains Fitness Center this morning after traveling bro Trevor Winslow committed…
Breaking: Bodybuilder Loses Gains After Walking Too Fast
A tragedy took the fitness world by surprise when local bodybuilder and Instagram sensation Bryce Hutchins reported a mysterious total loss of gains after attempting what…
Guide: Willpower and Your Lack Thereof
Willpower is this alleged mythical force that separates us mortals from our dreams of six-pack abs and wealth beyond measure. You’ve heard of it, you vaguely…
Breaking News: Men Shocked to Discover Women Have Opinions Without Their Permission
Nobody could believe it and yet it is true – men across the nation have been left in shock as they get acquainted with the radical…