Toy worm on the floor

Guide: Your Girlfriend Asked if You’d Still Love Her if She Was a Worm and Demands Answers.

So, it’s 9 p.m. on a Tuesday night., you’re minding your own business scrolling through memes or half-watching some nonsense on Netflix when she hits you with the question. That question. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Let that sink in for a second, because it’s not just a question; it’s a test. A labyrinth of emotional landmines, a riddle, an enigma squished inside a pile of soil where apparently she…
annoying bald man in a business casual suit laughs


You know Dave. We all know a Dave. He’s not the devil incarnate. He’s not even that bad, really, but somehow every time he opens his mouth, you’re filled with the sudden and irresistible urge to slap him with a wet fish. Not really out of anger, it’s just that Dave is… Dave. In the office, Dave is the kind of guy who always has something to say during meetings that should have ended 20…