Couple kissing near a glass window

Guide: Your Wife (or Girlfriend) is Way Hotter Than You

Let’s face it, mate: your girlfriend (or wife for those of you who followed this guide) is a certified smoke show, and you, well… you’re the human equivalent of a round of blue cheese. But don’t panic, you potato sack, because this guide is here to help you navigate life as the less-attractive half of a relationship without completely collapsing under the weight of your own mediocrity. Let’s get real: if you’re reading this, you’ve…
Man sitting on a chair facing another person who looks at a document

Guide: How to Be Right and Still Lose Every Debate with Your Boss

Do you ever find yourself stepping into a conversation with your boss, armed to the teeth with logic, facts and an unwavering sense of justice, only to leave with what's left of your dignity torn to shreds and a fresh list of things you “could improve on”? Welcome to the glorious world of Being Right, But Also Wrong. If you're anything like me, you’ve probably tried this several times, thinking, “Today’s the day my boss…
Toy worm on the floor

Guide: Your Girlfriend Asked if You’d Still Love Her if She Was a Worm and Demands Answers.

So, it’s 9 p.m. on a Tuesday night., you’re minding your own business scrolling through memes or half-watching some nonsense on Netflix when she hits you with the question. That question. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Let that sink in for a second, because it’s not just a question; it’s a test. A labyrinth of emotional landmines, a riddle, an enigma squished inside a pile of soil where apparently she…
man lying on grass, content to procrastinate

Guide: How to Procrastinate With Style

Welcome, slackers, daydreamers and "I’ll do it tomorrow"-ers. If you're here, it's because you've got work to do but doing it just doesn't vibe with your life right now, am I right? Maybe it never will but fear naught for I am here to teach you how to procrastinate like a pro: with style, finesse and absolutely no shame. Let’s elevate that habit into an art form, shall we? Step 1: Convince Yourself That You…